Born from D'Addario's greatest breakthrough in string innovation, XS Phosphor Bronze strings have the longest life of any D'Addario acoustic guitar string. The XS coating gives our warm, balanced phosphor bronze strings maximum life, with an uncommonly smooth feel. Made with a NY Steel core, phosphor bronze wrap wire and Fusion Twist technology, XS coated acoustic guitar strings have incomparable break strength and tuning stability, in addition to their dramatically increased lifespan.

This 10-47 Light gauge 12-string set is great for 12-string acoustic guitars.


  • e: .010 - .010
  • B: .014 - .014
  • G: .023 - .008
  • D: .030 - .012
  • A: .039 - .018
  • E: .047 - .027
Weitere Informationen
Marke D'Addario
Zustand Neu
Orientation Rechtshändig

D'Addario 12-String Light, XS Phosphor Bronze Coated

31,90 €

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13-Auf Lager


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