#23/50 The limited-edition Yamaha AC3R acoustic-electric guitar gives you all of the same great features you'd expect from a high-end acoustic with a limited-edition finish. The AC3R provides you with the warmth and bass of a solid rosewood back and sides, plus the sparkle of a spruce top and the tonality of a concert body. Talk about a singer-songwriter's dream guitar! What's more, the AC3R features Yamaha's SRT electronics, which give you studio sound when you play plugged in. Get amazing sound on and off stage with a limited-edition Yamaha AC3R acoustic-electric guitar.

Yamaha AC3R Limited Edition Acoustic-electric Guitar Features at a Glance:

A limited-edition acoustic-electric guitar loaded with high-end features
Concert body style provides phenomenal projection and overall tonal balance
Solid rosewood back and sides add warmth to your sound and provide satisfying bass response
Solid spruce top complements the solid rosewood back and sides with airy treble and a touch of sparkle
SRT (Studio Response Technology) electronics re-creates the sound and spatial dimension of a vintage microphone used in a professional studio
SRT System 63 modeling preamp controls let you fine-tune your sound to fit in any mix or environment. The SRT System 63 also features an on-board tuner for perfect pitch.

Includes Yamaha hardshell case, Yamaha feedback buster, Kyser capo, leather strap and an extra set of D'Addario EJ11 80/20 Bronze light gauge strings (.012 - .053)

Ever since guitarists have been relying on the natural projection of their instruments, the unique voice of the concert body style has been an all-around favorite among musicians. Even without its advanced onboard electronics, the limited-edition AC3R acoustic-electric guitar gives you a balanced voice that's perfect for anything from traditional music to the driving rhythms of modern acoustic rock. You'll love the full sound of Yamaha's AC3R, particularly when you play more aggressively.

Spruce topped rosewood is a singer-songwriter's ideal tonewood combo
Whether you lean towards indie rock, alt country, traditional folk, or any other style you can think of, your acoustic guitar is frequently your entire backing band. You're going to feel right at home with a Yamaha AC3R acoustic-electric guitar. Its rosewood back and sides provide exceptional bass and powerful projection, whereas its spruce top adds air to its treble. This leaves the midrange open for your voice, so you aren't constantly fighting to sing over your guitar. Even if you don't play solo, you can't help but appreciate the AC3R's incredible tonal balance. The limited-edition Yamaha AC3R has the playability and sound you're looking for in an acoustic.

SRT electronics system faithfully captures your acoustic sound when you play plugged in
When it's time to plug in, most acoustic guitars are reduced to mere shadows of their former tone. That's why Yamaha developed their SRT (Studio Response Technology) electronics. More than a mere preamp system, these electronics form a DSP-driven acoustic modeling system that analyzes the sound of each individual string to faithfully re-create your guitar's sound live. When you plug into your AC3R, you hear all the subtle nuances, open space, and smooth overtones you'd only expect from an expertly placed vintage tube mic. Set up for fast action. Playing plugged in will never be the same again.

Weitere Informationen
Marke Yamaha
Zustand Gebraucht
Orientation Rechtshändig


599 €

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