The classical concert strings made by Paulino Bernabe are designed especially for Bernabe guitars. But these premium quality strings also generate the most beautiful tones and depth from other high end classical guitars. They've been developed with very high quality control, with technically very advanced materials and with the perfect tension. Order now!

The classical concert strings made by Paulino Bernabe are designed especially for Bernabe guitars. But these premium quality strings also generate the most beautiful tones and depth from other high end classical guitars. They've been developed with very high quality control, with technically very advanced materials and with the perfect tension. The treble strings are normal tension and the bass strings are high tension, which creates an amazing balance. The three treble strings are made of carbon which causes them to have a more powerful and more clear than normal nylon strings. The bass strings sound rich and warm.

Premium quality for premium guitars. Bernabe, one of the world's best guitar builders, designed these strings to accentuate the best qualities in his classical concert guitars. These unique strings have perfect intonation, excellent sustain and balance and they bring a wide pallet of musical color. For owners of Bernabe guitars, these strings are a must, nothing else compares.

Weitere Informationen
Marke Bernabe
Zustand Neu

Bernabe Strings

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