The Bigsby Pedal is a revolutionary polyphonic pitch shifter pedal that reproduces the string bending and vibrato effects produced by the Bigsby Tremolo arm and other traditional tremolo systems. Order now!

The Bigsby Pedal is a revolutionary polyphonic pitch shifter pedal that reproduces the string bending and vibrato effects produced by the Bigsby Tremolo arm and other traditional tremolo systems.

The idea to create a Bigsby-style pitch-shifting pedal was born out of a long-standing admiration for the Bigsby system’s unique feel, sound and design.

Now, after a two-year-long design and development period, Gamechanger Audio from Latvia are proud to unveil what they, and also us at Max Guitar believe is one of the most capable and inspiring pitch-shifting tools currently on the market.

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Zustand Neu
Orientation Rechtshändig

Gamechanger Audio Bigsby Polyphonic Pitch-shifter Pedal

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