Revisiting its classic 2-channel platform, the Two-Rock Bloomfield Drive incorporates advanced build techniques and upgraded components, including Two-Rock’s proprietary output transformer. In the 100/50W model, this transformer compensates for impedance and phase differences when switching wattages, ensuring no impact on tone or feel. The clean channel delivers exceptional responsiveness, depth, and bandwidth, transitioning seamlessly into an articulate, touch-sensitive lead channel. This lead channel extends the clean tone with rich harmonics, enhanced gain, and smooth sustain.

Tone-shaping options include mini-toggle EQ switches for EQ1/EQ2, Bright, Mids, and Deep, offering precise control. The foot-switchable tone stack bypass on either channel unlocks a new realm of overdriven tones. The Bloomfield Drive also features a sophisticated all-tube spring reverb circuit designed to preserve clarity and touch sensitivity, even when the reverb is fully engaged. The Send and Return controls allow players to tailor reverb settings for any room or ambient effect, providing unmatched versatility in tone and feel.

*Cabinet pictured is not included

Weitere Informationen
Marke Two-Rock
Zustand Neu
Orientation Rechtshändig

Two-Rock Bloomfield Head 100W - Black Bronco, Tobacco Suede

5.998 €

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