Step up to the RC-5 and prime your pedalboard with maximum looping range. Capture sound with premium 32-bit quality, navigate parameters and monitor loop status with the backlit LCD, and tap into expanded operation via the control jack and TRS MIDI I/O. Order now!

Step up to the RC-5 and prime your pedalboard with maximum looping range. Capture sound with premium 32-bit quality, navigate parameters and monitor loop status with the backlit LCD, and tap into expanded operation via the control jack and TRS MIDI I/O. And with over 50 rhythms, 13 hours of stereo recording, 99 phrase memories, and more, the compact RC-5 puts a deep well of musical power at your feet.

BOSS RC-5 Features

  • Advanced BOSS looping features in a compact footprint
  • Class-leading sound quality with 32-bit AD/DA and 32-bit floating-point processing
  • Stereo looper engine with 13 hours of recording time
  • LCD with multi-color backlight for viewing loop status and editing parameters
  • Reverse function for infusing loops with interesting textures
  • Seven different drum kits and 57 preset rhythms with A/B variations
  • Support for expanded control via external footswitches, an expression pedal, or MIDI
  • Full MIDI I/O provided with space-saving mini TRS jacks (BMIDI-5-35 adaptor cable available separately)
  • Onboard storage for 99 phrase memories
  • Back up and load WAV loops via USB
Weitere Informationen
Marke BOSS
Zustand Neu
Orientation Rechtshändig


191 €

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