Max 20th Anniversary Straps 

Celebrating our 20th Anniversary we approached our Spanish Strap manufacturer Pascual at Bourbon Straps to make us a batch of top notch leather Straps from the highest grade Spanish and Italian greased leather and the finest Suede. This Greased Leather will wear, look more rugged and get more supple over the time one uses it! Complete with with the embossed anniversary logo . Note: the embossed logo is on the tail end of the strap. Available in 5 versions, the price of these would normally be € 75,- but we offer these to our loyal  clients only for the Anniversary price of 39 euro! 

Botella Green Strap Anniversary
Weitere Informationen
Marke Max Guitar
Zustand Neu
Orientation Rechtshändig

Max Guitar Fatstrap 20th Anniversary Green Greased Leather Strap

Special Price 39 €

Incl. VAT

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75 €
13-Auf Lager


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