This is the most versatile Big Muff ever! Long revered for its sweet singing tone and violin-like sustain, the classic three-knob Big Muff Pi has helped define the sound of rock guitar for over 50 years. With the Deluxe version, there are some extras for those who crave more sound shaping control. The EHX Deluxe Big Muff Pi delivers all the classic sounds of the original NYC Big Muff Pi, plus more. Added footswitchable Mids sections boosts or cuts an adjustable mids frequency for added definition or massive scooped tones. Add an optional expression pedal and turn the Deluxe Big Muff into an extreme fuzzed out wah! The Attack control preserves pick attack with an enhanced version of your dry signal while the Bass Boost adds rumble at higher tone settings. The Gate removes unwanted hiss for a more dynamic performance.


  • Delivers all the classic sounds of the original NYC Big Muff Pi, plus extra features
  • Foot-switchable MIDS Section helps you cut through when recording or playing live
  • MIDS section features four controls so you can fine tune your midrange boost or cut
  • Noise gate with adjustable Gate control eliminates noise and hum while preserving your attack and original tone
  • Adjustable Attack control adds punch to your single notes and chords
  • Switchable Bass Boost for added bottom when you want it
  • Expression Pedal input lets you sweep the mids in real time
  • True bypass for maximum signal path integrity
Weitere Informationen
Marke Electro Harmonix
Zustand Gebraucht
Orientation Rechtshändig

Electro Harmonix Deluxe Big Muff Pi

120 €

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