This is the Head only! If you're looking for the set with the matching cabinet, click here.

This 20W 2525H Mini Jubilee is inspired by the Silver Jubilee series from 25 years ago and features two footswitchable channels, a sleek silver appearance, and a portable structure. With the capability to add extra distortion and reduce power, this amplifier is perfect for anyone who loves everything from rock to metal and wants to play in various environments.

It's suitable for small venues, studio sessions, and rehearsals. Using the power reduction feature from 20w down to 5w, you can still play in your bedroom without disturbance. Opt for extra grit and distortion in your sound with the pull-rhythm clip. You can easily switch between two channels, from a clean, shimmering tone to a dirty overdrive, allowing you to mix between classic rock and metal tones.

Marshall is a premier brand in the field of amplifiers, speakers, and pedals. Since September 1962, the brand has been associated globally with some of the greatest bands and musicians, including Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, Slash, Oasis, Muse, Gorillaz, and Slaves, as well as contemporary artists like Justin Timberlake and Lana Del Rey. None of this would have been possible without the founder and revolutionary, Jim Marshall. Marshall is dedicated to helping you in your search for the perfect sound and providing inspiration.

Weitere Informationen
Marke Marshall
Zustand Neu
Orientation Rechtshändig

Marshall Design Store 2525 Head - White Blue Racing Stripe

Special Price 798 €

Incl. VAT

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1.049 €
1-Auf Lager


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