Pro-Arté Composite strings offer the traditional elegance of D'Addario's Pro-Arté line, with the added benefit of an elevated bass response. The exclusive composite core bass strings in the set produce a bold, projecting low-end, providing a more influential tone than nylon basses. Paired with the mellow warmth of the clear nylon trebles, Pro-Arté Composite strings offer a sound which is both alluring and commanding. Order now!

Pro-Arté Composite strings offer the traditional elegance of D'Addario's Pro-Arté line, with the added benefit of an elevated bass response. The exclusive composite core bass strings in the set produce a bold, projecting low-end, providing a more influential tone than nylon basses. Paired with the mellow warmth of the clear nylon trebles, Pro-Arté Composite strings offer a sound which is both alluring and commanding.

This Flamenco Tension set delivers a flexible feel while still maintaining the quick response that is essential for flamenco players.

Weitere Informationen
Marke D'Addario
Zustand Neu
Orientation Rechtshändig

D'Addario EJ25C Flamenco Tension, Pro-Arte Composite

22 €

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