The Fender American Original '50s Stratocaster is a dead ringer for a classic '59 — save for a few modern refinements. The American Original '50s' lightweight alder body and Soft "V" maple neck are staples of this era, as are its vintage-tall frets, synchronized trem system, and nitro lacquer finish. Yet an enlarged 9.5" fingerboard radius (from 7.25") gives the American Original '50s Strat an advantage for lead work. Meanwhile, a trio of painstaking Pure Vintage '59 pickups with period-correct wire, bobbins, and pole pieces — wax potted for feedback control and wired for 5-way switching — puts this instrument in a class all its own. Order now!

The Fender American Original '50s Stratocaster is a dead ringer for a classic '59 — save for a few modern refinements. The American Original '50s' lightweight alder body and Soft "V" maple neck are staples of this era, as are its vintage-tall frets, synchronized trem system, and nitro lacquer finish. Yet an enlarged 9.5" fingerboard radius (from 7.25") gives the American Original '50s Strat an advantage for lead work. Meanwhile, a trio of painstaking Pure Vintage '59 pickups with period-correct wire, bobbins, and pole pieces — wax potted for feedback control and wired for 5-way switching — puts this instrument in a class all its own. Order now!

Weitere Informationen
Marke Fender
Zustand Neu

Fender American Original 1950s Strat Maple Neck, Inca Silver

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