Subtly sweetened leads, clucky country slap back, surfy swells, rhythmic dotted-eighths and huge ambient washes – Delay has been a defining factor in just about every genre of guitar music. The Hammertone Delay provides up to 950ms of crisp and clean delay, lush modulation at the flick of a switch and three different delay types. Analog Dry-Through keeps your tone pure when the effect is on, while the pedal board-friendly top-mounted in & out jacks and true bypass footswitch mean it will integrate seamlessly into your rig.


  • Fender-designed Digital Delay Circuit
  • Type & Mod Switches
  • Top Mount Input/Output Jacks
  • True-Bypass Switching, Analog Dry-Through
Weitere Informationen
Marke Fender
Zustand Neu
Orientation Rechtshändig

Fender Hammertone Delay

87 €

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