The HT Stage 60 112 MkII guitar amp's selected duet of EL34s deliver 60W of glorious valve power through a high quality Celestion speaker, making for a combo that will deliver every night, even in the most testing live environment. The "boutique" style clean channel is extremely versatile with two modes – "British Class-A" and "dynamic US". Each of the two ISF equipped overdrive channels allows a further two modes. The Power Reduction feature allows further flexibility, by allowing the guitarist to attenuate to 10 percent of the 60 watts of power also making the HT Stage 60 MkII perfect for the home and studio use.

HT-Stage 60 112 MkII
Weitere Informationen
Marke Blackstar
Zustand Neu
Orientation Rechtshändig

Blackstar HT-Stage 60 112 MkII

Special Price 698 €

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798 €
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