Aah...the Rotovibe...in a world where one pedal has to be even smaller than the other, there are fortunately also pedals like the Dunlop Rotovibe. Is it handy and compact? Nope. Is it crazy good? Yep!

The Rotovibe is an incredibly characteristic, very warm sounding analogue chorus / vibrato of which you can adjust the speed function that we usually find with such modulation effects, with the "gas pedal" manually and therefore on the flow. The degree of expressiveness is therefore unprecedented. The sound is somewhere between chorus, vibrato and phaser with a very warm, vintage character and a very nice "swoosh". Think in the line of the sound of old rotary speakers as used by Hendrix or SRV.

With the switch on the side you switch between chorus or vibrato mode and with the rotary knob you set the intensity or depth. Very handy are the two indicator LEDs that indicate an on / off status and the speed of the effect.

The Rotovibe works on any regular 9vDC adapter with center-negative polarity.

  • Type: chorus/vibrato effect
  • Choice between two options: chorus and vibrato (not together)
  • Input: 6.3 mm mono jack
  • Output: 6.3 mm mono jack
  • Power supply: optional 9V DC adapter
  • Exceptional control by means of foot pedal
JD4S Rotovibe
Weitere Informationen
Zustand Neu
Orientation Rechtshändig

JD4S Rotovibe

342 €

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