The Kirk Hammett Collection Cry Baby Wah captures the iconic wah tones of the heavy metal legend, now in a striking purple sparkle finish. “I always feel a great energy when I play my purple sparkle Ouija guitar,” Kirk says. “I thought it would make a killer, sonically spiritual connection to have a pedal with that same outwards vibe.”

Built on the settings of Kirk’s Cry Baby Rack Wah, this pedal faithfully recreates the tones that powered the solos that transformed metal music. With smooth response from heel to toe, it delivers a commanding midrange wail and a thick, cutting top end—ideal for fast, melodic solos and searing riffs.

Step into the shoes of a legend. The Kirk Hammett Collection Cry Baby Wah from Dunlop awaits.

Weitere Informationen
Marke Dunlop
Zustand Neu

Dunlop KH95X Kirk Hammett Signature Cry Baby Wah Wah

Special Price 165 €

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229 €
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