The Nik Huber Krautster II in Cadillac Green is a remarkable embodiment of classic design and modern craftsmanship. This electric guitar features a stunning Cadillac Green finish that exudes vintage charm, enhanced by its elegant mahogany body. The Krautster II is designed with a simple yet effective layout, boasting a single-cutaway body that offers excellent access to the upper frets. Its neck is crafted from flamed maple, topped with an East Indian rosewood fingerboard that ensures smooth playability and a rich tonal palette. Equipped with a combination of a Häussel humbucker in the bridge and a Häussel P90 in the neck, this guitar delivers a versatile range of sounds, from warm, bluesy tones to sharp, biting rock riffs. The controls include a master volume, a master tone with a push/pull coil tap for the humbucker, and a three-way toggle switch, allowing for a wide array of tonal possibilities.

Nik Huber guitars are renowned for their perfect quality, and the Krautster II is no exception. Each guitar is handcrafted with meticulous attention to detail, ensuring superior build quality and exceptional playability. The craftsmanship is evident in the flawless finish, the precision of the fretwork, and the overall feel of the instrument. The Krautster II is not just a visual delight but also a joy to play, offering a comfortable and balanced experience for musicians. Whether you're on stage or in the studio, the Krautster II's combination of high-quality materials and expert construction guarantees a reliable performance. Nik Huber's commitment to excellence ensures that every Krautster II meets the highest standards, making it a prized possession for any serious guitarist.

The result is an electric guitar that looks like it could have come out of the late ‘50s or early ‘60s golden age and yet is built to order and in small batches in the 21st century. 

incl bag

Krautster II Cadillac Green
Weitere Informationen
Marke Nik Huber
Zustand Neu
Orientation Rechtshändig

Nik Huber Krautster II Cadillac Green

4.298 €

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