The JCM800 is one of the few vintage reissues that is equipped with a master volume control. With this feature, you can achieve valve saturation at lower volume levels. This is particularly useful for valve amplifiers, as this distortion contributes to a warm and responsive tone. Combining all these elements makes for a more versatile and player-friendly amplifier, that’s always ready for you to add in that extra power during your solo moments.


  • Preamp Tubes: 2 X ECC83, 1 X ECC83 (Phase Splitter)
  • Power Amp Tubes: 4 X EL34
  • Serial switchable FX Loop
  • Weight: 20.5 kg
Weitere Informationen
Marke Marshall
Zustand Neu

Marshall 2203 JCM800 Head

1.869 €

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