The lightness and portability of Markbass products is to some degree negated when heavy flight-cases are used. But when the musician transports his gear himself (in other words, outside of tour situations where the goods are transported by others), Markbass covers are a practical choice: lighter, less expensive, and still very protective.

The lightness and portability of Markbass products is to some degree negated when heavy flight-cases are used. But when the musician transports his gear himself (in other words, outside of tour situations where the goods are transported by others), Markbass covers are a practical choice: lighter, less expensive, and still very protective.

Cover CMD 102P

  • Outer layer: Polyester 600D x 600D PVC
  • Padding material: PUR Foam 10 mm
  • Lining material: Nylon 190T PU
Weitere Informationen
Marke Mark Bass
Zustand Neu
Orientation Rechtshändig

Mark Bass Cover Cmd 102 P - Mba195018

75 €

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