M300 Reverb

Elegant crafted reverb effects

This is the most versatile reverb pedal on the planet. This little stomp box gives you not 1 but 6 beautiful, elegant crafted reverb effects only found in the high end rigs.

The MXR M300 Reverb futures at a glance;

  • 6 different reverb styles effects; Plate, Spring, Epic, Mod, Room and Pad
  • True bypass
  • Mono or stereo
  • Standard size, unbreakable MXR box
  • Includes AC power supply. (It cannot be powered by battery)

Six different styles

The six different styles of reverb are actually an effect by their own. The Plate mode give you a bright, smooth sound, perfect for the studio. Spring is a authentic amp reverb without coiled metal. Rich, organic tones are served in the Epic mode as a effect of the unique combination of analog-tones. "Mod throws down a plate-flavored spaciousness with richly organic modulation in the feedback path. The Room is your choice for adding some subtle body and projection to your guitar tone and Pad is a blend of higher and lower octave synth sounds combined with a reverb effect.So with the MXR M300 Reverb you can throw away all the extra balast you have on your pedal from the different reverb effects. This one has it all!
Weitere Informationen
Marke MXR
Zustand Neu
Orientation Rechtshändig

MXR M300 Reverb

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