

Sometimes we can get lost of the world of guitar effect pedals, with so many out there and each one as quirky and unique as the last, your fundamentals can easily get lost in the commotion. The MXR M69 Prime Distortion gives you the kind of raw gain that takes your mind off of it, and lets you slather on layer upon layer of effects over it. This is a true sign of a good dirt box, set it and forget it! Once this happens, your attention goes elsewhere as that oh-so-important aspect of your sound is taken care of.


The crew at MXR have given us yet another juicy example of the KISS philosophy. No, not to stick your tongue out whenever possible; thats very unbecoming. But to Keep It Simple Stupid. The MXR M69 Prime Distortion does just that, it may not be the flashiest or most obvious but can easily be the most crucial and significant foundation to your layer cake of tonal tastiness. The MXR M69 Prime Distortion can be a workhorse that will travel the world with you and work night-in and night-out. Reliable and responsive to how hard you play as it will sizzle the more you dig in, or clean up as you play with a feather-touch, this pedal really brings it. Simple, powerfull and effective. Output, Tone and Distortion. Get it? Got it? Good.


  • Big, powerful 80s arena-rock tone
  • Raw, punchy sustain
  • Rich distortion
  • Highly responsive to playing intensity
  • Tone, Output, Distortion controls
  • MXR build quality and components
  • Low-noise op amps
  • 100% analog
Weitere Informationen
Marke MXR
Zustand Neu
Orientation Rechtshändig

MXR Prime Distortion

81 €

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