The Savarez 500AR set is a revolutionary offering for classical guitarists, featuring normal string tension. This set includes KF Alliance Carbon for the treble strings and Corum stabilon wound for the bass strings. Savarez combines these strings into three different tensions within the Corum Alliance series, marking a significant innovation for guitar players.

Savarez strings are known for their stability. The treble strings can be vibrated without affecting the tuning, making them a popular choice among many professional guitarists.

  • Brand: Savarez
  • Type: 500AR
  • Series: Alliance Corum
  • Gauges: .0244 - .0272 - .0331 - .0287 - .0350 - .0421
  • String Tension: Normal
  • Bass Strings: Corum 'flexible strings' with silver-plated winding around a nylon core
  • Treble Strings: Alliance KF Carbon
Weitere Informationen
Marke Savarez
Zustand Neu
Orientation Rechtshändig

Savarez 500AR Alliance Corum Normal Tension

18,99 €

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