The ’59 bridge model (SH-1b) is a vintage output humbucker that’s great for rock, blues, and more. Its vintage-inspired coils give it an airy quality that is firmly in the P.A.F. family, and the alnico 5 bar magnet and vacuum wax potting make it compatible with lighter guitar strings and louder amplifiers than were ever used in the 1950s. The result is a pickup with tons of old-school tonal character, but with a brighter top end, and a slightly more compressed sound. Order now!

The ’59 bridge model (SH-1b) is a vintage output humbucker that’s great for rock, blues, and more. Its vintage-inspired coils give it an airy quality that is firmly in the P.A.F. family, and the alnico 5 bar magnet and vacuum wax potting make it compatible with lighter guitar strings and louder amplifiers than were ever used in the 1950s. The result is a pickup with tons of old-school tonal character, but with a brighter top end, and a slightly more compressed sound.

Seymour Duncan have made a few refinements to slightly modernize the design and make it more adaptable to different styles. The high end is slightly boosted for improved pick-attack clarity and the mids are a little scooped for an open, smooth sound that's great for preserving the clarity of the individual notes in a chord. The '59 neck was born to accompany the '59 bridge, but countless players pair it with a high output bridge humbucker, such as a JB or Custom. It's also a popular choice for humbucker-routed Telecasters.

Weitere Informationen
Marke Seymour Duncan
Zustand Neu
Orientation Rechtshändig

Seymour Duncan Seymour Duncan SH-1B - 59 Bridge Humbucker

159 €

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