The Spatial Delivery is an oddball, a voltage controlled envelope filter that allows you to step outside the universe of funk while reinforcing your secret love affair with auto-wah. This baby has three modes with the switchable Up Sweep, Down Sweep, and Sample & Hold functions, along with Range, Resonance and Filter controls. Get some wild filter sweeps with the Up and Down modes and adjust the Range to control the sensitivity and reaction time of the envelope, which alters the width of the frequency sweep. Reign in the controls a bit, add your favorite overdrive/fuzz after the Spatial Delivery and you’ve got a real nice resonant, cut-through-the-mix lead tone.

We took the already cosmic, original Spatial Delivery and added six available preset slots for you to store your preferred settings. Even the expression jack assignment can be saved and recalled in any of the slots so that the signature sounds you dial in are readily available with a quick tap of the switch. Save your settings confidently on the go thanks to the two modes indicated by the LED Save/Recall switch.

Spatial Delivery V3
Weitere Informationen
Marke Earthquaker Devices
Zustand Neu
Orientation Rechtshändig

Earthquaker Devices Spatial Delivery V3

229 €

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