The Supro Amulet is a vintage-voiced combo loaded with all-tube reverb and tremolo along with a new, 3-way switchable power attenuator. Designed for the gigging guitarist, this lightweight tube amp offers 15 watts, 5 watts or 1 watt of all-tube tone through a UK-made Celestion Creamback speaker. The preamp found in the Amulet delivers warm, blooming clean sounds up to ‘noon’ on its volume knob. Past noon, its voice rolls into classic Supro crunch, giving way to a singing, violin-like overdrive at full volume. The Amulet is remarkably high-gain for a vintage-inspired amp, but offers a sweet spot that is not overwhelmingly loud.

The power amp found in the Amulet uses a single 6L6 tube with switchable power soak to achieve bedroom level 1-watt, studio friendly 5-watt or a more robust 15-watt output for stage use. The overdrive in the Amulet’s “single-ended,” Class-A output stage is rich in even-order harmonics and soaked in natural tube compression. True to the legacy of original Supro combos, the Amulet’s exceptional dynamics, ultra-low noise performance and 3-way power attenuator make it an ideal amplifier for club gigs, studio recording and bedroom practice.

Weitere Informationen
Marke Supro
Zustand Neu

Supro Amulet 1x12 Combo

1.249 €

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