Lightly aged S model, named 'The Axe'. It comes with a Lightweight Alder body with sturdy maple neck and aged dark rosewood board, powerful vintage sounding Strat Pickups, medium jumbo frets, tortoise shell guard. Exquisite fretwork, Medium jumbo frets, vintage style tuners! In-house made pickups! weight 3,4 kilo which is a nice light weight. A European take on what an aged vintage style guitar should look, feel and play like! Guitars based on years of experience in the guitar field and exclusively sold by Max Guitar for the Benelux market. If you have your own specific wishes: Let us know, and we'll get you your dream guitar! Comes with luxury gig Bag.

More information on Maxwell Guitars here!

The Axe - 3-Color Sunburst
Weitere Informationen
Marke Maxwell
Zustand Neu
Orientation Rechtshändig

Maxwell "The Axe" - 3-Color Sunburst

Special Price 1.498 €

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1.998 €
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