First debuted in the video for Polyphia's "Playing God," the Ibanez TOD10N Tim Henson Signature Nylon acoustic-electric guitar is a bold reimagining of the crossover nylon string, loaded to the brim with performance-minded features and futuristic nuevo flamenco tone!

While many fans initially mistook it for a solidbody instrument, this guitar boasts a far more traditional build than you might expect — the solid spruce top is supported with classical-style fan bracing for a touch-sensitive response that blooms and resonates with even the slightest pluck. Next, the ultra-thin sapele body offers playing comfort to rival even the slimmest of solidbodies, with two deep cutaways for the unfettered fret access required for Tim's brand of technical playing. Finally, a set of Ibanez and Fishman electronics round out this acoustic-electric with beautiful plugged-in tones, faithfully replicating every ounce of this 6-string's rich tonal depth.

Weitere Informationen
Marke Ibanez
Zustand Neu
Orientation Rechtshändig

Ibanez TOD10NTKF Tim Henson Signature

659 €

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