Simply the best Stand for TWO Guitars! absurd Quality! The Genesis Series GS-102 from Ultimate Support was thoughtfully designed to accommodate user requests for a two guitar stand that includes and includes all the great features you expect from the Genesis line. Ultimate Support's patented leg-locking system adds a 4th leg to fully support both guitars while providing the necessary balance and stability. Order now!

The Genesis Series GS-102 from Ultimate Support was thoughtfully designed to accommodate user requests for a two guitar stand that includes and includes all the great features you expect from the Genesis line. Ultimate Support's patented leg-locking system adds a 4th leg to fully support both guitars while providing the necessary balance and stability.

The protective padding on all four legs is designed to prevent damage to the finish on your guitar. Finally, their specially designed, adjustable neck lets you set height for cradling both guitars in an ideal position. The GS-102 brings all the features you love to the stand you've been asking for- and still folds up and locks to ensure a compact stand that’s easy to take with you.

Weitere Informationen
Zustand Neu
Orientation Rechtshändig

Ultimate Support GS-102 Guitar Stand for TWO guitars!

59 €

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