Inspired by the pioneering digital delay units that emerged in the mid to late '70s during the early stages of the digital audio revolution, these devices featured lower bit resolution and bandwidth compared to modern digital delay standards.

TI:ME is distinct from the typical, ultra-clean digital delay. It combines separate analog and digital pathways to harness the best of both worlds, creating a retro-inspired echo effect that adds warmth to your tone. An all-analog signal path, utilizing high-quality opamps, ensures pristine reproduction of your dry signal. Meanwhile, two digital recording devices, alongside meticulously tuned filtering and running parallel to the dry path, make this one of the most atmospheric delay units you'll encounter. Picture a Model 113™ rack unit; the repeats are musical and evocative of aged tape echoes.

Moreover, each TI:ME unit is uniquely hand lacquered and adorned with distinctive copper elements, making each one a one-of-a-kind piece!

Weitere Informationen
Marke Diversen
Zustand Neu


189 €

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