The SlideRIG Compact Deluxe Mk2 is a dual-stage compressor pedal, using two of our Cali76 compressor circuits cascaded in series for the ultimate compressed guitar tone. Based on the iconic Urei 1176, we've taken this studio classic to the next level of compression and flexibility. Order now!

The SlideRIG Compact Deluxe Mk2 is a dual-stage compressor pedal, using two of our Cali76 compressor circuits cascaded in series for the ultimate compressed guitar tone. Based on the iconic Urei 1176, we've taken this studio classic to the next level of compression and flexibility. SlideRIG Compact Deluxe Mk2 brings classic studio sound to your pedalboard with an exacting recreation of a timeless tone. SlideRIG lets you layer your dry signal with the compressed outputs from each of two stacked Cali76 stages, for the ultimate in parallel compression. A must-have effect for slide players, SlideRIG is equally comfortable with conventional guitar setups, offering thick, fat sustain with perfect clarity.

Weitere Informationen
Marke Origin Effects
Zustand Neu
Orientation Rechtshändig

Origin Effects SlideRig Compact Deluxe Mk2

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