The Dyna Comp Deluxe Compressor elevates the iconic compression sound that has been a staple in the effects pedal history. More than just a simple effect, the original Dyna Comp Compressor has added a lively, percussive quality to guitar tones for years, and this deluxe version extends that tradition with enhanced control and versatility.

At its core, this pedal features the renowned CA3080 "metal can" integrated circuit, known for its quiet operation, clear transparency, and extensive dynamic range, mirroring the performance of the vintage script Dyna Comp Compressor. The added Clean control allows for a perfect blend between the uncompressed and compressed signals, offering a tailored balance that suits your playing style. The Tone control further refines the compressed sound for precise tonal shaping.

An innovative Attack switch provides the option to select between a classic, slow attack and a more modern, quick attack, catering to a variety of playing dynamics. The traditional Output and Sensitivity knobs continue to govern the overall volume and sustain length, ensuring familiar and intuitive control.

With the Dyna Comp Deluxe Compressor, players gain a comprehensive tool to enhance their rig's sound, from the distinct '70s squash to the subtle, nuanced compression preferred by contemporary guitarists.

Weitere Informationen
Marke MXR
Zustand Neu
Orientation Rechtshändig

M228 Dyna Compressor Deluxe

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