Maxwell 'The Offset' Candy Apple Red - The cool looking Offset is based on a semi hollow design that combines several vintage influences and was introduced by respected builder Dennis Fano some years ago. Now these Fano/Novo inspired offsets are readily available at Max Guitar, unhindered by complicated USA imports and unfavorable exchange rates as they are made right here! All the best materials compiled into one lightweight guitar that plays like you have owned it for years. Order now! (see photo for specs)
Maxwell 'The Offset' CAR - The cool looking Offset is based on a semi hollow design that combines several vintage influences and was introduced by respected builder Dennis Fano some years ago. Now these Fano/Novo inspired offsets are readily available at Max Guitar, unhindered by complicated USA imports and unfavorable exchange rates as they are made right here! All the best materials compiled into one lightweight guitar that plays like you have owned it for years. Order now! (see photo for specs)
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Zustand Neu
Orientation Rechtshändig

Maxwell 'The Offset' Semi Hollow - Candy Apple Red

2.998 €

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