The Walrus Audio ARP-87 pedal is a compact, feature-rich delay packed with a large pallet of inspirational tones. Featuring four main algorithms, digital, analog, lo-fi and slap back, the ARP-87 can cover some serious ground in the world of echoes.

The Walrus Audio ARP-87 pedal is a compact, feature-rich delay packed with a large pallet of inspirational tones. Featuring four main algorithms, digital, analog, lo-fi and slap back, the ARP-87 can cover some serious ground in the world of echoes. The digital algorithm boasts pristine, crystal clear repeats great for rhythmic riffs. The Analog setting works well to add warmth and dimension to chords and lines without getting in the way. The Lo-Fi algorithm, with its adjustable frequency range on the repeats, goes from warm, warped and murky, to straight AM radio. Finally, the Slap setting makes it easy to dial in a great slap back echo perfect for smoking chicken pickin’ runs. With other features like smart bypass switching and momentary knob ramp, the ARP-87 provides endless creative opportunities that are waiting to be explored.

Weitere Informationen
Marke Walrus Audio
Zustand Neu
Orientation Rechtshändig

Walrus Audio ARP-87 Delay - Obsidian Series

229 €

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