Bassman pedals have all your basses covered. Drawing inspiration from the original tube amp line that laid way for Fender’s sub-sonic signal processing, the Bassman pedal line hosts a collection of meticulously crafted analog and digital circuits all curated from the ground up for bass-centric tonal expansion. With three controls, two slide switches, a footswitch and top-mounted connections, the pedals are extremely user-friendly and take up little space on the pedalboard.

Enter the world of subsonic soundscapes with delay engineered for bass. The Bassman Delay brings delay to the low end wielding two professional DSP algorithms designed specifically to repeat bass signal. Select between smooth analog repeats or crisp digital delay tones with a flick of the type switch, while the time and feedback controls determine the delay time and number of repeats. Shape the low frequency presence in your delay repeats using the low switch, letting you decide if your delays fade out lightly on top of your signal, keeping the low end clear, or duplicate the full signal for beat-repeat like waves of bass. Delve into the depths of ambience and find exciting new percussive grooves with the Bassman Delay.


  • Bass-tuned analog and digital delay DSP algorithms with analog dry-through
  • Low switch sculpts the low frequency presence in the delay repeats
  • Internal high cut and low cut controls fine tune the frequency content of delay repeats
  • Soft-touch switchable true or buffered bypass with trails
  • Side mounted pad switch to suit active basses
  • Top mounted jacks and road-ready aluminum enclosure
Weitere Informationen
Marke Fender
Zustand Neu
Orientation Rechtshändig

Fender Bassman Delay

119 €

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