Those essential Fasel inductors were unavailable for decades, but theyre back now and Dunlop has incorporated them in the Dunlop GCB95F Cry Baby Classic Wah Wah pedals. When you have connected the wah pedal to your guitar and amp, youll immediately recognize that classic voice, sweep and tone of the first wah effects.The rugged black enclosure will make sure this pedal lasts for years, and it can withstand heavy use in any situation. The Dunlop GCB95F Cry Baby Classic Wah Wah can be powered with either a 9 volt battery or a 9 volt power supply.
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Marke Dunlop
Zustand Neu
Orientation Rechtshändig

Dunlop GCB95F Cry Baby Classic Wah Wah

158 €

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