15" Orchestra model, Adirondack Spruce, Mahogany w
The Eastman E10OM is part of Eastmans traditional series. The traditional series consists of guitars that were inspired by the most beloved acoustic guitars made in the 1930s. This series of guitars is highly popular at this moment as they offer some highly desirable features yet they come at a great price point. These guitars compete with (far) more expensive guitars from other brands.This makes the Eastmans a very attractive option of course.The E10OM and the other OMs in the traditional series are a slight departure from a traditional OM as the scale length is a little different. The E10OM is 24.9 inches rather than 25.5. This gives the guitar a slightly richer and more complex sound. We find this to be a great improvement over a traditional OM. When playing the guitar it is very noticeable how the harmonics really jump out at you and how the guitar dynamically interacts with your playing style. It has great projection and easily fills the room with its wonderful sound.The E10OM has an Adirondack Spruce top with Mahogany back and sides. Compared to the E20OM that has Rosewood back and sides the E10OM has a slightly more mellow sound to it. It is a little less aggressive and the top end is just slightly warmer. In terms of looks the E10OM is slightly toned down compared to the E20OM which makes it slightly more affordable. The E10OM however still sports a hand rubbed high gloss finish, abalone fretboard inlays and a rosewood headstock overlay for a subtle but classy look.As most OMs the OM body style is a perfect choice for fingerpicking. We feel that the E10OM also works very well for playing with a pick but its outstanding dynamics really come to life when playing fingerstyle.In short the Eastman E10OM is a very desirable hand built instrument that comes at an astonishingly cheap price! And it gets even better as the case is included at this price!
Weitere Informationen
Marke Eastman
Zustand Neu
Orientation Rechtshändig

Eastman E10 OM

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