Classic Ernie Ball Tone!

Since the early 1960s, Ernie Ball strings have been the go-to choice for a broad spectrum of guitarists, starting when players began customizing their string gauges for easier playability at Ernie Ball's music store. After failing to garner interest from major guitar manufacturers for lighter gauge strings, Ernie Ball embarked on creating his own. Opening a pack of Ernie Ball strings today means you're getting a high-quality set designed for excellent tone, dependable performance, and durability. You're making the right choice with Ernie Ball strings!

Ernie Ball Burly Slinky electric guitar strings are crafted from nickel-plated steel wire wound around a tin-plated, hex-shaped steel core wire. With a custom gauge set, Burly Slinky strings cater to players seeking thicker tone and increased string tension for soloing. Guitarists have noted their wonderfully balanced sound that strikes the perfect middle ground, not too bright and not too dark.

Features of Ernie Ball Burly Slinky Electric Guitar Strings:

  • Type: Electric, 6-string
  • Gauges: 0.011, 0.014, 0.018, 0.030, 0.042, 0.052
  • Balanced sound profile
  • Tin-plated, hex-shaped steel core
  • Nickel-plated steel wrapping

G.EBGS 2226

Slinky Nickel, Burly, .011 - .052
Weitere Informationen
Marke Ernie Ball
Zustand Neu
Orientation Rechtshändig

Ernie Ball Burly Slinky .011 - .052

7,90 €

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