Cornerstone Antique is the answer to everyone wanting a John Mayer tone with more control over tone and dynamics. Order now!

Cornerstone Antique is the answer to everyone wanting a John Mayer tone with more control over tone and dynamics.

The pedal is based on the classic sounds from a Tube Screamer pedal. Don’t worry, the overdrive is not a clone, but while it definitely belongs to the Screamer-like family of overdrives, It has a well-defined tone specifically tweaked to achieve the bluesy sounds of John Mayer.

The Gain and Volume controls are pretty much self explaining. The TONE control: it manages the low-mid frequency content. The PRESENCE control: it shapes the hi-mids and high-end content. MIDS (cut) toggle switch: it manages the overall mids content, in UP position is the classic TS mids, in DOWN position mids are cut. Finally, the COMP switch is managing the overall dynamic response of the pedal.

The Antique requires a standard 9V DC Negative power supply only (not included).

Weitere Informationen
Marke Cornerstone
Zustand Neu
Orientation Rechtshändig

Cornerstone Classic Drive Antique

229 €

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