The Nik Huber Orca stands as a pinnacle of exclusivity and craftsmanship in the realm of electric guitars. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, each Orca exemplifies unparalleled quality and precision, butr most of all TONE! Boasting a Brazilian rosewood fretboard, known for its exceptional resonance and rarity, and adorned with exquisite curly maple binding, the Orca exudes luxury from every angle. This combination of premium materials not only contributes to its stunning aesthetics but also ensures a rich and dynamic tonal palette, making every note a sonic delight. 

At the heart of the Orca are the renowned Häussel pickups, meticulously chosen for their ability to capture the nuances of every performance with unparalleled clarity and depth. The trapeze inlays further underscore the instrument's attention to detail, showcasing a blend of traditional craftsmanship and modern design sensibilities. With features like coil tapping adding versatility to its already expansive tonal range, the Orca stands as a testament to Nik Huber's commitment to innovation and musical expression. Moreover, the collaborative effort between Nik Huber and Max Guitars adds another layer of distinction to this exceptional instrument, reflecting a shared dedication to pushing the boundaries of guitar design and performance.

1959 Orca, exceptional top, Lemon burst
Weitere Informationen
Marke Nik Huber
Zustand Neu
Orientation Rechtshändig

Nik Huber 1959 Orca, Exceptional Top, Lemon burst

8.498 €

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