Crucianellis are a little bit of a "cult classic" instrument and they fought with their countrymen at EKO for all sorts of export-brand contracts -- Vox being the one we all know and sometimes love. Like EKO builds, they're well-built but quirky as heck. I find that both brands really did their instruments a disservice by mucking-around too much with the wiring harnesses and destroying tone via extra "tone-shaping" junk in the circuit.

This guitar -- which is early-'60s per its features -- handles a lot like an ES-330 or Casino save that the neck is a little bit more like a '50s Gibson (medium C-shape to the rear) and the body is narrower on the lower bout and a fair bit lighter-weight. The "cut" of the arched top is very different, though, and very European in shape. It reminds me of Framus, EKO, Hofner, and other designs where the body really dips-down as it reaches the neck pocket and the pickups are meant to be quite high over the top by design. The batwing-style pickguard helps for pinky-placement with that, though.

Crucianelli Elite 1960s
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Crucianelli Elite 1960s

€ 898

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