
The MXR Double-Double Overdrive serves up two classic overdrives in a single housing, selectable with the flick of a switch, with tone controls to season your sound to taste.

The MXR Double-Double Overdrive serves up two classic overdrives in a single housing. Changing between the two is as simple as a flick of the Lo/Hi switch: the Low Gain circuit belts out rich, fiery midrange tones while the High Gain circuit kicks up the gain and emphasizes highs and lows. Use the Treble and Bass controls to season your overdriven sound, and then crank the Level and Drive controls to turn the heat up to your liking. The MXR Double-Double Overdrive comes in a road-ready housing with true bypass switching.

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Merk MXR
Conditie Nieuw
Orientation Rechtshandig

MXR M250 Double Double Overdrive

€ 159

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