The Blackstar ST. James VOC cabinet features a unique Celestion Zephyr lightweight ferritespeaker and is made out of candlenut plywood cabinet. Thanks to that, the cabinet is less than half the weight of a traditional cabinet. Order now!

The Blackstar ST. James VOC cabinet features a unique Celestion Zephyr lightweight ferritespeaker and is made out of candlenut plywood cabinet. Thanks to that, the cabinet is less than half the weight of a traditional cabinet.

The Candlenut plywood is used for it's strength and lightness and of course it's beneficial acoustic proprieties, creating a roadworthy cabinet that soundsgreat and won’t let you down.

To top it off this beautiful lightweight cabinet features the same illuminating logo, found on the ST. James head and combo. An additional 9VDC power supply is required to illuminate the logo, which can be connected to the back of the cabinet. Also on the back you will find a built-in door which allows you to choose between an open-back set-up or a closed-back one.

Meer informatie
Merk Blackstar
Conditie Nieuw
Orientation Rechtshandig

Blackstar St. James 212 VOC Cabinet - Fawn

Special Price € 492

Inclusief BTW

ex-BTW prijzen kunnen worden geselecteerd in de rechterbovenhoek van de website. ex-BTW kopen is alleen mogelijk buiten de EU of binnen de EU, met uitzondering van NL, wanneer een geldig BTW-nummer wordt opgegeven gedurende checkout.
€ 529
2-Op voorraad


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