This fully hand-built 30 Watt AC30 is the flagship of the Hand Wired series. The AC30HW2X is constructed from the finest components, featuring two Celestion Alnico Blue speakers housed in a solid birch plywood cabinet. VOX has been using the legendary “Blue Bulldog” speakers since the 1960s. They are renowned for their glorious soft attack, warm bass, sweet mids, and sparkling highs. At high volumes, they provide greater definition and beautiful musical compression.

In addition to the traditional Normal and Top Boost channels, VOX has incorporated several cool modern features. There is an OP Mode switch to halve the power and a Bright option on the Normal channel. Additionally, there is a Master Volume that can be completely bypassed with a switch. Plus, a switchable Hot/Cool function for the Top Boost channel allows you to go from the unmistakable classic AC30 overdrive to a modern high-gain lead sound, ideal for solos.

The back panel includes three extra connections. Connect an optional 16 Ohm speaker cabinet to the Extension SP output to run it in parallel with the internal speakers. The External SP output disables the internal speakers and is switchable between 8 and 16 Ohms. Plug the included VFS1 footswitch into the Footswitch input to engage the Hot mode of the Top Boost channel.

With all these innovative extra features, the VOX AC30HW2X meets the stringent demands of the modern guitarist.

* Flightcase Included!

AC30HW2X incl flightcase
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Merk VOX
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VOX AC30HW2X incl flightcase

€ 1.998

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